Jose Feliciano protests racist song parody - Lounge

Grammy-winner Jose Feliciano has gotten an apology after accusing a pair of radio producers of trashing the spirit of Christmas by using his popular holiday song, "Feliz Navidad," for a racist musical spoof about undocumented immigrants.

Grammy-winner Jose Feliciano has gotten an apology after accusing a pair of radio producers of trashing the spirit of Christmas by using his popular holiday song, "Feliz Navidad," for a racist musical spoof about undocumented immigrants.

Feliciano released a statement Wednesday saying that he was "revolted beyond words" and that the song was never meant to be "a vehicle for a political platform of racism and hate."

"When I wrote and composed 'Feliz Navidad,' I chose to sing in both English and Spanish in order to create a bridge between two wonderful cultures during the time of year in which we hope for goodwill toward all," the Puerto Rico-born singer said.

The parody, titled "The Illegal Alien Christmas Song," was created by radio producers and writers Matt Fox and A.J. Rice and was posted in mid-December on the Web site for Human Events, a Washington-based conservative weekly publication founded in 1944.

Web site editor Jed Babbin apologized Wednesday and said the song would be removed from the site. The link to the song's page was no longer available by Thursday.

"We regret any offense that Mr. Feliciano may have taken from this parody," Babbin said in an e-mail sent to The Associated Press.

One passage from the parody, sung in English, riffed on the stereotype of Latino immigrants as heavy drinkers, while another said "illegals" were going to "spread bubonic plague."

Born in Lares, Puerto Rico, in 1945, Feliciano was raised in New York City and wrote "Feliz Navidad" in 1970. It is one of the most popular Christmas songs in the world.

Quote OspreyGirl: Grammy-winner Jose Feliciano has gotten an apology after accusing a pair of radio producers of trashing the spirit of Christmas by using his popular holiday song, "Feliz Navidad," for a racist musical spoof about undocumented immigrants.

Feliciano released a statement Wednesday saying that he was "revolted beyond words" and that the song was never meant to be "a vehicle for a political platform of racism and hate."

"When I wrote and composed 'Feliz Navidad,' I chose to sing in both English and Spanish in order to create a bridge between two wonderful cultures during the time of year in which we hope for goodwill toward all," the Puerto Rico-born singer said.

The parody, titled "The Illegal Alien Christmas Song," was created by radio producers and writers Matt Fox and A.J. Rice and was posted in mid-December on the Web site for Human Events, a Washington-based conservative weekly publication founded in 1944.

Web site editor Jed Babbin apologized Wednesday and said the song would be removed from the site. The link to the song's page was no longer available by Thursday.

"We regret any offense that Mr. Feliciano may have taken from this parody," Babbin said in an e-mail sent to The Associated Press.

One passage from the parody, sung in English, riffed on the stereotype of Latino immigrants as heavy drinkers, while another said "illegals" were going to "spread bubonic plague."

Born in Lares, Puerto Rico, in 1945, Feliciano was raised in New York City and wrote "Feliz Navidad" in 1970. It is one of the most popular Christmas songs in the world.

People will stoop to anything to make someone else look bad.
They must have been really proud of themselves before Jose made a ruckus and they withdrew it. Obviously not before hundreds or thousands of people heard their parady. For Shame!

I read about this the other day…it made me rather mad due to the fact that my fiance is mexican and our Cruz is as well…some people are a disgrace and disgust me. ~) ~)

Some day probably not in our lifetime, but this racism will end!!! I am a believer in that. I just wish we didn't have to wait. Our younger generation will over come the hate. I think the dj's should have been canned. I am sure their ratings have dropped. Way to go Jose! has an article on this disgusting song and there is an audio of the song with the lyrics:

This is beyond sick!

i will not even listen to it and i do think they should be fired, reminds me of limbaugh

Some people have nothing better to do with their time I guess. My radio station always does spoofs who cares it's funny!! i mean does anyone remember back when Weird All used to butcher songs! Snl makes fun of stuff all the time who cares!!

People have been spoofing songs forever bottom line imo who cares!! It's just words. My kids sing a version of this song to it goes like this chaurice makes me fart, Chaurice makes me fart, ya I like chaurice cause it makes me fart. it's gross but hey it could be worse!!

I am white from a VERY white-bread world & I have always loved this song… in fact it is one of the few songs that I will hum or sing along to. I never gave it a thought all these years that it was anything but about 2 cultures coming together at Christmas!!

Some people are just plain trouble-makers!!

I don't know why it's so hard for some to admit or understand that that racist song was not a light hearted parody—plainly stated, it was racist. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about that. This isn't a Weird Al Yankovic redo of a MJ, Madonna, or Coolio song, either.

Quote OspreyGirl: I don't know why it's so hard for some to admit or understand that that racist song was not a light hearted parody---plainly stated, it was racist. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about that. This isn't a Weird Al Yankovic redo of a MJ, Madonna, or Coolio song, either.

i agree with you, it was nothing but racist

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful show to anticipate and watch - -I wonder what Mrs. C. would wear - -and of course, what Amber would wear and Niki and Pearl. I would love to see their true love celebrated in a special wedding ! Do you agree? :))

Quote lovelyinlavendar: Wouldn't it be a wonderful show to anticipate and watch - -I wonder what Mrs. C. would wear - -and of course, what Amber would wear and Niki and Pearl. I would love to see their true love celebrated in a special wedding ! Do you agree? :))

I totally agree. It would be delightful, classy and eloquent, and Murphy would be the most handsome charming man.

I’ve been hoping for a wedding for these two for months! I think Murphy would look good in a black tuxedo and Katherine should wear something blue. Blue always brings out her lovely eyes! I just watched the movie “Grumpy Old Men.” Have any of you seen it? Jack Lemmon and Ann-Margret reminded me so much of Kay and Murph! :slight_smile:

I love them both and want them to end up together…BUT, I don’t want them to get married. It might ruin it for me. IMO, I think it would provide ammunition to make Murphy into a bad guy. I don’t think most people want to see a dark side of him. If they aren’t married, they might not have as much to hide from each other…at least that is how it usually goes in “soap world”. Once the marriage happens, the demons sneak out.

I think it would be a lot of fun! Reception at Crimson Lights and honeymoon at the Athletic Club!

I really hope they keep Murphy around. Love the friendship and romance him and Kay have. So refreshing lately with all the sleeping around. How many true friends does Kay really have? Give my favorite actress on Y/R a break and let her have alittle happiness for atleast awhile.

Quote Old and tired: I really hope they keep Murphy around. Love the friendship and romance him and Kay have. So refreshing lately with all the sleeping around. How many true friends does Kay really have? Give my favorite actress on Y/R a break and let her have alittle happiness for atleast awhile.

Isn’t that the truth?? :)) The only REAL friend she ever had died! %( ( John Abbot ). :frowning: Well, Victor is SUSPOSED to be one of her oldest & dearest friends,too! >) Well, The OLD part is RIGHT! LOL :slight_smile:

Quote twocentsworth: I think it would be a lot of fun! Reception at Crimson Lights and honeymoon at the Athletic Club!

Amber could design Mrs. C’s wedding gown. And Lauren could give Pearl a great outfit to wear !

Well okay for the spoiiler, Marty is leaving! Yes! -does a happy dance-

Rant: Up until yesterday I disagreed with what people said about the Ford brothers and now I only disagree when it comes to James and Nate. Ford you SOB! You stupid, dumba-- S.O.B go play in traffic and get ran over five times!

Can anyone believe he just did? Can anyone believe it at all? I am ticked off at bother him and Jessica. Him the most and Jessica for being the weaka-- mother she is. Wow, wow reaility is so much of a shock to you that you have to hide behind your little slutty alter. Just freaking wow that you can’t be strong enough to come out and stay out! Just wow! YOU SUCK!

