15 Pics Dean Ambrose And Renee Young Dont Want You To See

Looking at relationships within the WWE family nowadays, its hard to find one more unique than the couplingfeaturing Dean Ambrose and Renee Young. Even before their WWE days, the two couldnt have been more different. Ambrose was tearing up the hardcore indie wrestling scene falling on thumbtacks nightly, while Renee was working as a model

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Looking at relationships within the WWE family nowadays, it’s hard to find one more unique than the coupling featuring Dean Ambrose and Renee Young. Even before their WWE days, the two couldn’t have been more different. Ambrose was tearing up the hardcore indie wrestling scene falling on thumbtacks nightly, while Renee was working as a model and later, an aspiring comedian. Somehow, someway, their paths would eventually cross and they instantly hit it off. Dean was very reserved backstage hardly ever talking to anyone, but he showed a lot of interest in the Canadian. Within six months of Young being in the company, the two were an item.

It was kept very low profile for quite some time. With Dean living a quiet life in the Vegas area, it was hard to find out. The two have enjoyed some big time success with the WWE, so they likely didn’t want their relationship to get in the way, leaving it under wraps. Thanks to Total Divas however, the mainstream fans were finally made aware of the relationship.

In this article, we shed a light on pictures of the two both individually and together that they’ll likely want us to forget about. From Renee rocking a breathtaking swimsuit, to Dean kissing other wrestlers, these are pictures the two likely don’t want us to see. Enjoy the article and like always, be sure to share it with a friend!

Rene’s Modelling Days

Judging by Renee’s talents as a WWE host, it seems like she was destined to work in the entertainment business. From a young age she aspired to enter into show business but one of her first gigs actually involved a different type of skill, her beauty.

Growing up in Toronto, Ontario, Young started off as a child model. She would continue on that path throughout her rise to fame working several photoshoots before inking a deal with the WWE in 2012. Perhaps not even Young herself could have predicted that nowadays, her pictures are being viewed by over 1.5 million fans via Instagram. Her girl next door features have endeared her to the WWE Universe and she only continues to gain popularity as the WWE proceeds to include her in various projects, including being a new cast member on the E! hit reality show Total Divas. Without a doubt, she’s come a long way since her days as a child model.

Blood And Booze

If you followed Dean’s journey before the WWE, you know that he’s nothing like to the indie Dean of the past, before he signed with the WWE. Ambrose was known for his brutal hardcore matches that were usually a blood fest and quite frankly, just extremely hard to watch given the brutality of the bouts. On the norm, Ambrose was on the wrong side of the beatdowns.

Looking at his popularity today, and with the amount of young fans he’s managed to gain, this is just one of the many pictures he likely doesn’t want his young fanbase to see. Wrestling with the likes of Insanity Pro Wrestling and CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling), his matches couldn’t be anything further from PG, they were truly more like Rated R. Don’t expect Dean or the WWE to show any type of footage from his prior days, particularly with those two promotions.

Getting Intimate

When the news was made public of these two WWE stars dating it instantly made the headlines and rightfully so, as it’s just another case of opposites attracting. However, for the couple, it was crucial that they remained professional and that the relationship stayed on the down low. Even today, rarely do we see the two get intimate. The times we have seen it was all thanks to Renee’s involvement on Total Divas.

According to Young, the two hit it off right off the bat. Renee claims that six months in, they become a couple. Ambrose was always very closed off behind the scenes with others, but he just seemed to be very interested when it came to Renee. The likes of Nattie and the Bellas told Young that he rarely spoke to anyone which showed his interest in the Canadian girl. They remain happily together today, but you certainly wouldn’t think they're even a couple given their professionalism within the company day in and day out as big time work horses.

Young Man Dean

Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dean Ambrose used wrestling as an escape at a young age. He grew up in public housing struggling to get by. The WWE star lived in a poor area, but he used wrestling as a way to stay positive despite his surroundings. Ambrose looked up to the likes of Bret Hart and the ECW style of wrestling. Whenever he was able to get access to a TV, Dean put on wrestling, usually tuning into Paul Heyman’s hardcore promotion. He would eventually drop out of high school to pursue his dream full time.

Perhaps not even Ambrose himself could have predicted the success he would eventually have in the biggest wrestling company in the world. His style didn’t blend with the company, but he was able to adapt becoming a bright future star early on. Winning the WWE Title, Ambrose cemented his legacy as one of the greats in the WWE.

Youngster Renee

Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, it isn’t all that surprising to find out that Renee played hockey at a young age during her youth. Rocking a similar bright smile that she still maintains today, Young would later make the jump to the entertainment business.

Following her days in high school, Young began to train in improv comedy, believe it or not. She would relocate to fully pursue her dreams at the age of 19, moving to Los Angeles, California, a move similar to some of her other co-workers (like the Bellas who also moved out to California at a young age in search of stardom).

Young searched for comedic acting roles but once she realized it wasn’t working out, she would move back to Toronto changing her horizons to other types of gigs. She landed auditions for music videos, commercials, TV shows and films. Her first big calling would come from a sports network which would pave the way for her WWE career, but we’ll have more on that a little later.

Dean’s Not So Memorable Debut

For an aspiring wrestler, making a WWE debut is something that gives you butterflies. However, for some of the greatest performers of all-time, that first match wasn’t the most memorable. We’ve seen so many future stars suffer from that faith, even the likes of A.J. Styles made a not-so-glamorous debut with the company years ago. Of course, he’s now thriving, but he was ways away from that point in his initial cameo.

The same can be said for Ambrose, who made his not-so-memorable debut on an episode of Velocity in a tag match jobbing to the team of MNM. As you can see in the picture above, Ambrose looked quite different, rocking the look of a jobber to be quite frank. He was far from being Dean Ambrose, heck even his name was different, making his debut under Jon Moxley.

The experience and draw value wasn’t the best, but he’d have the last laugh years later remaking his debut at the prestigious Survivor Series event as a member of The Shield.

Young On The Score

Renee was in search of stardom travelling to California searching for gigs but truthfully, her calling was in her own backyard all along. Located in Toronto, Canada, Young would make her debut for The Score Network in 2009. She was immediately used as a wrestling host becoming the lead presenter for the show Right After Wrestling. She worked alongside the likes of former WWE ref Jimmy Korderas, and even the voice of SmackDown Live, Mauro Ranallo.

The hosting role was a clever switch for Renee and she thrived on the Canadian network. Her contributions with the hosting gig were so impactful that she caught the eye of the WWE. The company would eventually snatch her away from The Score, inking her to a deal in October of 2012. They had huge plans for her and that was obvious early on as she landed a huge gig with NXT (which we’ll discuss shortly).

The Lesnar Experience

As his popularity rose, so did his position on the card. Fans began to really jump on the Ambrose bandwagon and the WWE was doing their very best to continue pulling the strings. His match at WrestleMania 32 was supposed to add to that, but ultimately, the results just ended up being something Dean likely wants us to forget about.

The match seemed like a dream; WrestleMania, facing Brock in front of a record breaking crowd. However, the ultimate result was quite lackluster. The match had no memorable spots and was one of the shortest bouts of the night. Ambrose lost easily and the “street fight” stipulation was insanely disappointing. Dean spoke out about his frustrations claiming he hardly spoke to Lesnar before the match and that Brock basically turned down all his ideas. Most of the match you saw was done on the spot and it really hurt Dean’s chance to make an impact. Looking back at his career, this is likely a match he doesn’t want us to remember.

Renee Doing Commentary

Signing with the WWE, Young was immediately thrust as a presenter working as the host of the Survivor Series 2012 event. She would even appear as a SmackDown interviewer, appearing alongside the likes of Sheamus and Randy Orton. Following some other WWE hosting gigs like The Vintage Collection, Young was sent to NXT taking up a role as a commentator. She began to work strictly Divas matches, but later, would partake in the color role full-time. Her position was historical as she became the first female color commentator in the WWE over the last decade.

She actually did a great job along Tom Phillips but eventually, the WWE saw greater upside in the Canadian as a host. Today, she’s the host of Talking Smack along with having her own WWE Network show, Unfiltered with Renee Young. The company relies on her for a lot of gigs and it's quite humbling to see how far she’s come since 2012.

Dean’s CZW Days

If you watched CZW, you’d find it pretty impossible to learn that one of their prior performers would become a big WWE star. The promotion wasn’t exactly like the WWE. To put things into perspective, the company made ECW look PG at times.

Dean wrestled for the company from 2009 to 2011, and let’s just say his performances weren’t so WWE friendly. He took part in multiple Tournaments of Death, which weren’t the easiest to watch. From the weaponry to loss of blood, the content from CZW made you cringe. As you see in the picture, Ambrose even stepped into the ring with the likes of New Jack, which should be regarded as an accomplishment on its own given the former ECW star’s brutal nature inside the squared circle.

Thankfully, Dean would put those days behind him once he signed with the WWE, changing up his style with the company’s previous developmental brand, FCW.

Candid Picture

Renee and Dean are quite friendly outside of the ring, rarely turning down a picture but with that said, the couple likes to live a private life away from the ring. Most Superstars live in either the Florida or Los Angeles area, but these two live outside of the norm residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, living the quiet life away from the limelight.

A benefit the two have is the fact that they can travel together during shows. With such a hectic schedule, the fact that they at least get some travel time is a huge plus. It wasn’t too surprising to see the two end up on the same brand. Renee initially panicked when word was made of the draft, but things ended up working out just fine. With another Superstar Shakeup on the horizon, it won’t be too shocking if the two remain a part of SmackDown Live, even though it seems like a change of scenery would help Ambrose at this point.

More Hardcore

We needed to include another hardcore picture of Ambrose that likely makes the WWE cringe. Since the WWE became a publicly traded company, the content has cleaned up and that's quite obvious compared to its days back in the 90s. Today, rarely do you see the use of weaponry and heck, seeing blood is like seeing a ghost appear inside the squared circle. The company would at the very least use blood for the bigger events, but with the recent ‘Mania being bloodless, the company made their stance on the matter quite clear.

Looking to the future, we don’t expect that to change at any point, even when Vince steps down. Stephanie has done a terrific job at selling the WWE brand worldwide and that only happens with clean content and not one filled with blood, cussing and as you see in this throwback Ambrose picture, glass weaponry. Again, you won’t be seeing these moments on the WWE Network anytime soon.

Ambrose On the Stone Cold Podcast

2016 was without a doubt Dean’s top year as a WWE Superstar. He not only held the WWE Title but was regarded as the face of the company. Before the brand split took action, Dean was the final joint WWE Champion, a piece of history nobody can take away from him.

Riding big time momentum, Dean was set to appear as a guest on the Stone Cold Podcast. The cameo was supposed to help his brand but all it did was make things worse. The forgettable interview was quite awkward to watch and Austin was visibly upset with some of Dean’s brief answers. The interview would reach the peak if its awkwardness when Austin would tell Ambrose he wasn’t impressed with how he carried the WWE Title, expecting more out of the champ. Dean was taken back from the comments and looked quite rattled given how hard he was working with the championship. Ultimately, the interview didn’t go as planned and he’ll likely want us to forget about it.

Renee Looking Not So PG

Along with the PG rating came the WWE toning down the sexual content. It helped put the company over the top in the 90s but today, it seems like a thing of the past. However, thanks to social media, we now get a sneak peek into the lives of the WWE stars outside of the ring. With that said, we don’t see much on-screen but off of it through Snapchat and Instagram, we get to see who these performers truly are away from the squared circle.

With such a position as an interviewer and host, Young is PG on the regular while on WWE programming. However, outside of the ring, she dresses like her true self normally wearing shorter attire. It’s even been documented on Total Divas as she’s been seen partying it up in her bikini wear.

In this photo, we pay homage to her body which is normally covered up, as we drool over this wonderful bikini shot of the mighty fine Canadian.

Reby & Dean

This is a rare picture Dean and Renee would likely want you to forget about, coming from Ambrose’s days on the indie scene. Like Young, Sky came from an acting and modelling background before stepping foot inside the squared circle joining the indie scene. She worked alongside Dean briefly and would start to get more opportunities once she met Matt Hardy. That would eventually land her a deal with TNA, joining both Matt and Jeff. It remains to be seen if she’ll ever join the WWE alongside her hubby Matt, who recently returned.

As for Dean, this was one of the few times he had an actual love interest inside of the ring. After his stint with Dragon Gate USA, he’d join the WWE and gain credibility with FCW. CM Punk was a big fan of Dean’s, and that would help him to get a spot with The Shield Faction, which debuted at the Survivor Series.

Sources: wikipedia, youtube

